I picked up on this topic a little too late, perhaps a lot
too late. But I however felt the need to inform you guys, or rather discuss the
wave of Slut Walks that hit Canada and other countries in the beginning of 2011
(told you I was late). So what are slut walks? I’m absolutely sure that the
African media just did not give this enough coverage for all of you to be aware
of it. And I am an African blogger.
The Slut Walks started in Canada. They are a protest against
the legal system, as well as society’s concept of what a proper lady should be.
They consist of women all over the world taking to the streets dressed as
sluts. The protest was triggered when a detective (not even a rapist) defended
a rapists saying that some women were dressed as sluts so he was not surprised
that they were raped. This wasn’t a private statement. This was public at a
press conference.
Let’s start with the concept of the word Slut. It’s a dirty word isn’t it, nasty. I’m certain it tastes bitter in your mouth. The word slut belongs amongst the other derogatory words used to describe a woman. I googled the word slut: a woman who is promiscuous, a person who lacks ability to exercise sexual restraint, a saucy girl (really?), a prostitute, a girl that is provocative in her dressing and behaviour. The list is endless. The saucy one really surprised me though. Personally I’m very conservative. I flinch a bit when I see butt cracks, or cleavages or thighs. My friends are annoyed by my obsessive need to cover up their bras, or pull up their pants. But I wouldn’t call them sluts. I wouldn’t call any woman dressed provocatively a slut.
For a man to rape a woman, then stand in court and have his
lawyer argue that she was dressed as a “slut”, absolutely disgusts me. Really?
She wore a short skirt so you raped her? You shoved her in a bush, stripped her
naked, and raped her. You didn’t care that she cried and screamed and kicked.
You just raped her. You took her gift and made it yours, stole her right to
pick when and how. And then you stand there and call her a slut. Such men are
pathetic. They really are, but even more pathetic is the “justice” system that
allows these men to use that ridiculous excuse.
I was going to give you facts. I was going to write to
inform. This blog post was me telling a story. It was supposed to be me
evaluating the effects that the slut walks have on the systems, on women. But I
can’t. I’m too emotional a creature for that. I got angry as I did my research
I got upset. So I can’t be objective. I would ask you to forgive me but the
reason you read my blog is because I’m opinionated and emotional. So I have to
call out the men that abuse and rape women. I have to tell you guys that they
are not men they are creatures. But they are not the danger to our society.
They aren’t. Not even in the tiniest bit. The danger to our society is the men
and women who are friends with these creatures. The ones that do nothing; that
defends them like that detective in Canada. Or even me.
Me? Yes even I have played a role in women abuse. I have a
story to tell you guys. About a boy, I don’t know if I can say names or the
whole truth. I want to. I want to post his picture here so I can protect all
the girls in Botswana from him. But it would be termed
cyber bullying or defamation of character. Anyway, back to my story. I know a
boy who hits girls. He hits his girlfriends. I don’t associate with him. I cut all ties with him when I realised how
abusive he is. But I did the worst thing after that. I kept quiet. Even when
one of my friends started dating him I kept quiet. I thought she would think I
was bitter. Like most girls in Botswana would. But that is no excuse I kept
quiet and he abused her for 11months, almost a year. I knew nothing about it
then of course.
Silence is the death of all women out there. Saying
something to my friend wouldn’t have put him in jail but it would have saved
her 11months of pain. That is what speaking out is about. His friends know he
is abusive. They say nothing, they laugh when he cracks jokes about
“disciplining women”. They are cowards when he is pulling her by her hair
outside BnB. People like this are what is wrong with our society. People like
me, who blog about him without saying his name cause they are scared of petty
laws. We are the problem here because we have the power to stop these monsters.
Yet we stand on the side lines and say “she was dressed like a slut.” Or “she
aggravated him”. Or even worse we say nothing at all. We give them power. We
supply the victims.
So I beg you don’t stay silent. Warn your friends. Defend
them. Don’t be a coward like me. Because it sucks to hear your friend’s horror
stories and know you could have saved them. You can’t help the monsters but you
can help the victims, by saying something. So thank you to the women who
participated in the slut walks and said something.
In the words of Mam’Ruby of generations, “you could be
naked, and no man has the right to touch you”.
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